How about a German Schnapps?
In Germany, a schnapps is the word used for all clear in color brandies made from fermented fruits. Schnapps in Germany are typically about 80 proof and are made without adding sugar. Schnapps are typically chilled and served in shot glasses.
Common German Schnapps:
- Obsler-Mixed fruit brandy (including pears and apples).
- Williams-Pear flavored brandy
- Kirschwasser-Cherry flavored brandy
- Himbeergeist-Raspberry flavored brandy
How about a German Liquor?
Other Common German Liquors:
These are also common liquors in Germany and are often served as shots:
- Apfelkorn-made from 100% wheat spirits. This liquor is apple flavored.
- Jagermeister-70 proof made with over 56 spices and herbs.
- Underberg-made using herbs from 43 countries. Said to help settle the stomach.
- Goldschlagger-Although this is considered an originally Swiss liquor, it is popular with Germans. It is a clear cinnamon flavored liquor containing tiny flakes of real gold.
Where can you try these?
- Try your local liquor store. They may carry at least some of the schnapps or liquors listed above.
- The Ambry Restaurant located in Fort Lauderdale, FLA. sells all of the liquors above.
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